Event Calendar

Co-Create a Better World – Global Healing/Activation Meditations via Phone or Skype .  Join in & Make a Difference!

 Join JacQuaeline as she guides the group to a special place in awareness where you may experience a conscious alignment with oneness, enlightenment, clearing and healing.  Release daily stresses, fears, issues as you breathe in harmony with the group from far away places.  Each meditation lasts approx. 15 minutes in length followed by 15 minutes Q & A with JacQuaeline)

Event Calendar 2017 – every New Moon & Full Moon

Dates and times listed further down this page.

 Sunday, 3/26/17 @ 5pm Pacific
CALL IN Phone#:  1-712-832-8300, code: 34543#

Everything is energy. Financial Contributions based on your ability to care & share. What you put out comes back to you multiplied. Set your intention, do it with love. 

Thank YOU for a generous  DONATION.

                  Choose your donation amount:

$3      $9      $22     $55
 Thank you for your generous contributions!

Also see our recordings of past subjects … recorded meditations.

Pacific Daylight Savings Time ends at 2am Nov. 1st.
Nov 1 @ 2:00 am – 2:01 am

For those in the Pacific Time Zone areas….Its time to shift from Daylight Savings to Pacific Standard Time… Fall Back – move the clocks back one hour!    I love this time…feels like we gain an hour…and, actually by the clock… we do!    Use it wisely!   (Or, just have fun!   Either way – be safe!)

message from JacQuaeline

November 11 New Moon
Nov 11 @ 5:00 pm – 5:30 pm

details: New Moon, Moon in Scorpio, Sun in Scorpio –  brief explanation of what that means and an alignment meditation to help you take advantage of those energies today.

– approx a 15 minute guided meditation by JacQuaeline followed by Q & A or OPEN DISCUSSION.

call or skype: 1-712-832-8300, access code: 23432#

November 25 Full Moon
Nov 25 @ 5:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Approx a 15 minute guided meditation by JacQuaeline followed by Q & A or OPEN DISCUSSION.

Details:  Full Moon in Gemini, Sun in Sagittarius – what that means, how that may impact you – be on the live call!  Take advantage of the flow –  join in, learn how to ride that wave!  It is energy, life is energy.  If you knew it was going to be 80 degrees out, you’d wear appropriate clothes and be ready.  Take advantage, be informed.

Also, for those in USA – Happy Thanksgiving holiday – safe journey to anyone who is traveling!  Eat SLOWLY and enjoy…  gratitude is KEY!

Call or skype: 1-712-832-8300, access code: 23432#

December 25 Full Moon
Dec 25 @ 11:30 am – 12:00 pm

Approx a 15 minute guided meditation by JacQuaeline followed by Q & A or OPEN DISCUSSION.

Astrology/Astronomy:  Full Moon in Cancer/ Sun in Capricorn – details will be covered on live call.

Call or skype: 1-712-832-8300, access code: 23432#

Thoughts ARE things!    Thank you for sharing this with friends around the globe..social media!   With your help we truly make a difference.   The life on this planet needs our help NOW!  Thank YOU!

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – its about BALANCE @ phone or skype 1-712-832-8300, code 23432#
Mar 23 @ 5:15 pm – 5:45 pm
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse - its about BALANCE @  phone or skype 1-712-832-8300, code 23432# | Suffolk | Virginia | United States

This Lunar Eclipse Full Moon Wednesday is going to pack a punch – its about BALANCE. (Moon in Libra)  When we study the nature and relationship of the heavenly bodies, we can gain insights and get our thumb on the pulse of what’s going on and how to best prepare or cope.  Either way, a group meditation with focus can make a huge difference for you AND for your community and the world at large.  And, if it did make a difference, wouldn’t you agree that 15 minutes relaxed guided group meditation in the comfort of your own space – wouldn’t that be worthwhile?  (Say YES!)

time:  5:15pm Pacific  (8:15pm Eastern Time Zone)

Call in:  1-712-832-8300, code: 23432#

Call in promptly and be ready to go deep with this group guided meditation.  (the process is usually 15 minutes.

Looking forward to having you join us!   JacQuaeline

New Moon in Aries focuses on “I AM” @ call/skype: 1-712-832-8300, code 23432#
Apr 6 @ 5:15 pm – 6:00 pm
New Moon in Aries focuses on "I AM" @ call/skype: 1-712-832-8300, code 23432#

Wednesday night we gather again on the phone 1-712-832-8300, code 23432# (be prompt) in order to do some healing for each other via the group energy.  And as we share this energy, even though we are miles or countries apart, there is a Synergy that amplifies our individual efforts. Think of a group all coming together, each holding a candle.  The group candlelight becomes brighter than each single candle.

Please share this invitation to others you know.  The more folks like yourself who join – the more powerful it will be.

Aries New moon is about the “I AM” presence.  Think, imagine the highest presence of light, love – God presence.  This evening is a powerful time to consciously set intentions for yourself, your community, the elements and planet earth herself.   Together we will tap into a powerful focused wave of energy.  We can use these moments to tap into a divine wisdom space.  Guided Program is 15 minutes but please allow 30- 40 minutes for the entire program.  Lead by JacQuaeline, spiritual Teacher, Professional Clairvoyant, Success Coach for Executives and Visionaries.

Meditation & You – 90 minute Intensive Training
Apr 16 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Meditation & You - 90 minute Intensive Training

Meditation & You    90 min program

Do you have a regular meditation practice?

Is it time to explore how to take it to a new level?

Learn how to personally assess your meditation –

the length of time, process, frequency, duration.

This will be a very fast paced, inspiring, information

packed program by ‘JacQuaeline’.  To register, send

an email with subject line:  Meditation Class 4-16.

Send this to  JQ3@intuitionpower.com   JacQuaeline

will respond with more details and the workbook.

Class will also come with studio produced meditations

for you to have additional follow up to help you create

a deeper practice for greater inner strength, stability,

heart centered focused awareness and perspective.

Now is the time for greater inner strength.

Join me, JacQuaeline, Saturday April 16th.

Via internet…

details available,

email:  JQ3@intuitionpower.com

with subject line:  Meditation Class 4-16

Thank you so much.

class is by donation. Personal questions encouraged


SPECIAL Full Moon – Wesak Festival April 21 @ call 1-712-832-8300, code 23432#
Apr 21 @ 5:00 pm

This may be one of the most important full moon meditations of the entire year. The WESAK Festival is always during the full moon in May. (4/21/16)  Its the celebration of ‘the Buddha’ and in short – its the energies that aid the shift of bringing enlightenment to the planet and all its inhabitants. Join in live as I help create an energy link – mind to mind/ heart to heart.  Synergy: the individual and the groups’ energy is enriched. The Buddha and the world teacher or the Christ energies come together at the point in time. For more details on this special esoteric event, I’ve listed here a link to a 13 minute video to give you more details on Wesak.

Do join me live at 5pm pacific/ 8pm eastern or by recording as soon as you can.  the end of the program will, as usual, be followed by Q & A with me, JacQuaeline.  https://www.lucistrust.org/productions/videos/view/wesak_video

We will start the program with this invocation:

The Great Invocation (adapted version)
From the point of Light within the Mind of God        Let light stream forth into human minds.      Let Light descend on Earth.    From the point of Love within the Heart of God   Let love stream forth into human hearts.    May the Coming One return to Earth.      From the centre where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men-        The purpose which the Masters know and serve.      From the centre which we call the race of men Let the Plan of Love and Light work out        And may it seal the door where evil dwells.        Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.    OM

Today, April 21st is a special world wide gateway to the energies of enlightenment. Donations accepted:  see the link on the page.  www.aglobalexperiment.com/meditation/calendar

Friday May 6 New Moon – A Global Meditation @ call in # 1-712-832-8300, Code: 142536#
May 6 @ 5:15 pm – 6:00 pm
Friday May 6  New Moon - A Global Meditation @ call in # 1-712-832-8300,  Code: 142536#

This New Moon – Connect your inner core with nurturing abundance/ mother earth essence.  You don’t need to be ‘a hippy earth mother’ to allow empowering Intuitin Power and mother nature to flow with you and through you.    Men and women alike will benefit by attending this 15 minute guided program.  Intentions direct outcomes.  Nurturing energy is also sensuality – time to up the yummy factor in a safe, respectful manner.  Live events will give you an added bonus of discussion plus personal Q & A with JacQuaeline.  

call in # 1-712-832-8300,  Code:  142536#

Cost to participate:  The more you give the more you get.   Financially challenged can share in social media… offer to volunteer, minimum suggested link is only $3 to $55.   When you join in you’ll feel something special.  JacQuaeline knows how to activate people’s heart and balance their energy fields as she walks you and the group (collective conscious group) into a synergistic blend where all individuals are dramatically added to.  Its all ‘light work’, healing, activating and balancing.  There is value here.  leave a donation:  http://www.aglobalexperiment.com/meditation/calendar

How could your life benefit by having more nurturing support from the world?   Where could your life use more nurturing, more support, more love?   This is what JacQuaeline will cover in this New Moon Meditation event.  Donations taken at www.aglobalexperiment.com  $3, $9, $22, $55 – whatever value you want but please do leave share something.  You can also invite others to join in through your social media.  share this link.     http://www.aglobalexperiment.com                  Please Invite others to experience this program – – suggestion donation equal to one hour of your salary or at lest the cup of a convenience coffee – Starbucks, Pete’s, Seattles’ Dunkin Donuts.. you can tell I love coffee!  Actually lately I’m semi-hooked on  ‘Dirty chai’ drinks!  YUM.  Okay… just add love to your eating and drinking and slow down, be mindful and happy    Moon &  Sun in Taurus.  

Full Moon+Summer Solstice Global Link Meditation @ Phone link & Internet
Jun 20 @ 5:15 pm – 5:45 pm
Full Moon+Summer Solstice Global Link Meditation @ Phone link & Internet


Full Moon is always a good time to set intentions, and review/release the past. This is the eve of Summer Solstice (Winter Solstice for those down under!) Lets join together to celebrate this SHIFT time and set thought seeds with feelings about your future & the future for your family, community, country and world. Please plan to join in this 15 to 20 minute program. Monday Summer Solstice (Winter Solstice for some) is a powerful time of SHIFT. Summertime begins and we’re almost half way through 2016. Part of today’s meditation will include ‘activation’. Group activation and alignment on an individual physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level. Balance your energy and watch the magic of more universal flow appear in your life. ——- I hope you can join us. Its a way to serve humanity and personally get support while you visit your innermost quiet ‘center’ that is of love and light. Namaste, JacQuaeline

time:  5:15pm Pacific Daylight

phone:  1-712-832-8300   code: 23432#

cost:  donation’s gratefully accepted at  www.aglobalexperiment.com/meditation/calendar/