Event Calendar

Co-Create a Better World – Global Healing/Activation Meditations via Phone or Skype .  Join in & Make a Difference!

 Join JacQuaeline as she guides the group to a special place in awareness where you may experience a conscious alignment with oneness, enlightenment, clearing and healing.  Release daily stresses, fears, issues as you breathe in harmony with the group from far away places.  Each meditation lasts approx. 15 minutes in length followed by 15 minutes Q & A with JacQuaeline)

Event Calendar 2017 – every New Moon & Full Moon

Dates and times listed further down this page.

 Sunday, 3/26/17 @ 5pm Pacific
CALL IN Phone#:  1-712-832-8300, code: 34543#

Everything is energy. Financial Contributions based on your ability to care & share. What you put out comes back to you multiplied. Set your intention, do it with love. 

Thank YOU for a generous  DONATION.

                  Choose your donation amount:

$3      $9      $22     $55
 Thank you for your generous contributions!

Also see our recordings of past subjects … recorded meditations.

Nov 22 @ 6:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Call  in LIVE:  1-605-475-5950, enter: 201411#  (no charge, donations appreciated – small fee for recorded version)

Feb 18 New Moon
Feb 19 @ 1:00 am – 1:30 am

Feb. 18, New Moon,  please participate in the LIVE PHONE PROGRAM, Its Free Program details below – approx a 15 minute guided meditation followed by Q & A or OPEN DISCUSSION.—–


Wed. Feb. 18, 5pm Pacific time zone:

call or skype: 1-605-475-5950, access code: 201401#


Message from JacQuaeline

The good news is – its a time for creative problem solving.  (Tap into this GROUP energy during our global meditation, or via the recording.      Creative thinking or, ”outside of the box” can be a natural result of these group meditations.
Time to refocus on your life purpose, soul work please.    Rethink your future with a brand new positive, and hopeful vision; brainstorm and socialize;  reach out and help others now.  You can  receive support, and appreciation, and consider working on developing more objectivity and some detachment from past people and places.

A New Moon always indicates time for a fresh start.. new beginnings… planting new seeds of thoughts and feelings; clarify desires and intentions.

Get the MOST out of our global work together.   take a few minutes to read the above, journal the night before..  think and feel how these ideas could help you now.  Show up for our group call and be sure to share where you are calling in from.. even if you want to give a fake name..  or spiritual name..  let us hear from you and please try to join in the live program.  When possible, we post recordings.  Volunteers are needed to help with this project.   if interested, contact JacQuaeline.

This February’s New moon is technically in the sign of Aquarius; meaning could be a very strong sense of urgency and desire to make a quick decision or to end a something so you can move forward.

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Please share this program.  We appreciate a donation, as low as $3.  Thank you for sharing the burden of the costs…especially if you felt value, energy, healing, opening… something special.   And for those of you who can not donate at all, please be sure to be with us on the live call and open to a boost of healing light energy.

March 5 Full Moon
Mar 6 @ 1:00 am – 1:30 am

details: TBA – approx a 15 minute guided meditation followed by Q & A or OPEN DISCUSSION.

call or skype: 1-605-475-5950, access code: 201401#

March 20 New Moon @ via telephone or skype call in
Mar 20 @ 12:15 pm – 12:45 pm

New Moon, Solar Eclipse, Vernal Equinox, Sun enters Aries… OMG!  POWERFUL TIME, Powerful, powerful POWERFUL.  details on the call.  Use this energy, join us – we’ll show you how!  Hopefully you might have some intentions for yourself.   Also, if you have a local map of your area that you can LOOK at during part of the meditation..  even BETTER!     Approx a 15 minute guided meditation followed by Q & A or OPEN DISCUSSION with JacQuaeline of ‘Intuition Power’ leading this.

call or skype: 1-712-832-8300,   enter code: 202015#     12:15pm Pacific Time zone… please pass it on.   Do call in a couple minutes early!

April 4 Full Moon
Apr 4 @ 5:00 pm – 5:30 pm

details: Scheduled JacQuaeline of Intuition Power.com to lead program  – approx a 15 minute guided meditation followed by Q & A or OPEN DISCUSSION.

call or skype: 1-712-832-8300,   enter code: 202015#     5pm Pacific Time

April 18 New Moon @ via telephone or skype call in
Apr 18 @ 8:45 am – 9:00 am

New Moon – Inspiration !  Set intentions for this coming month.  Also we will focus one element of clearing and activation each new guided program.  Starting with FIRE ELEMENT!   LEAD:  JacQuaeline of Intuition Power.com to lead program  – approx a 15 minute guided meditation followed by Q & A or OPEN DISCUSSION.

call or skype: 1-712-832-8300,   enter code: 202015#     8:45am Pacific Time

join us! please pass it on.

May 3 Full Moon
May 3 @ 8:45 am – 9:15 am

Details:  FULL MOON TO HONOR WESAK FESTIVAL…  Also healing for Earth quake and volcano and refugess and prayers to end suffering on all levels.   (Annual Buddha Meditation)  LEAD:  JacQuaeline of Intuition Power.com to lead program  – approx a 15 minute guided meditation followed by Q & A or OPEN DISCUSSION.

call or skype: 1-712-832-8300,   enter code: 202015#     8:45am Pacific Time

May 17 New Moon
May 17 @ 6:45 pm – 7:30 pm

Details:  Time to commit to personal goals in a practical way.  Are you focused on your highest potentials or playing kick the can?  Meaning, yes you can but maybe later?  The time is NOW, even if its the smallest baby step each day or every week.  Lets set intentions, stop procrastination.  A Q & A will follow the 15 minute guided process.  If you need help, support, focus, strategy on how or what… this is the time.  Master Mind Groups are available with JacQuaeline as lead.  Become part of this heart/mind Global Link to heal, inspire, transform life on this planet by being the best you can be. Personal alignment, healing, inspiration and grounding.   LEAD:  JacQuaeline of Intuition Power.com to lead program  – approx a 15 minute guided meditation followed by the Q & A or OPEN DISCUSSION.

call or skype: 1-712-832-8300,   enter code: 202015#     6:45pm Pacific Time

June 2 Full Moon
Jun 2 @ 5:20 pm – 5:50 pm

Join JacQuaeline – Full Moon Event: approx a 15 minute guided meditation to activate and integrate a new level of balance between logic and creativity/ lower self and higher self.  Time to anchor in confidence and soul driven clarity.   Followed by Q & A or OPEN DISCUSSION.

NEW PHONE & ACCESS CODE for THIS CONFERENCE ONLY:   call or skype: 1-712-832-8300, access code: 23432#

Two weeks from now we will switch back to the past call in number and access.  This is a one time change!

June 16 New Moon
Jun 16 @ 5:15 pm – 5:45 pm

details: New Moon in Gemini – time for creative thinking followed immediately by FOCUS and FUN! – approx a 15 minute guided meditation followed by Q & A or OPEN DISCUSSION.  Guided meditation begins at 5:20 and lasts approximately 15 minutes.  Your presence is a gift to yourself, your community and … to the global community.  THANK you for SHOWING up on the call.

call or skype: 1-712-832-8300, enter: 23432##